Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Are You Listening To Their Lies Oh Synchronised?

Its Just Not Fair To Do That To Rabbits - or horses either, come to that. Horses should be wild and free, enjoying themselves in good company.  Horses moving swift and fast, enjoying their gallop to every last - horse of them, so to neigh on for another day.  Tails swishing, ears twitching, far from the madding crowd of gawpers at races.  Its Just Not Fair to Do That to ...Horses.

Some rabbits take part in jumping competitions too.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Shipley Library Exhibition, Rights for Rabbits!

Board one

Apparently in the UK The Allotments Act of 1950 gives people the right to keep chickens and rabbits, so even if you live in a rented house and Act of Parliament gives you the right to keep these creatures. However there is is the unpleasant suspicion that the Act was passed because of food shortages after the Second World War and the idea was that people ATE the rabbits, chickens, or eggs from chickens.

Board two

We think the rabbit's status should be changed to that of domestic pet and not food animal. Eating rabbits is disgusting.  It's just not fair to do that to rabbits!

Board three

See the Animal Liberation Organisation exhibition in Shipley Library, Wellcroft, Shipley, West Yorkshire.

Rabbits Rights! Rights for Rabbits!

Critters Anonymous

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

It's just not fair to do that to rabbits. A nasty book called The Bumper Book of Bunny Suicides by Andy Riley is supposed to be funny but actually abuses rabbits. It is about rabbits committing suicide in a lot of ways and is totally disgusting. If it were cats or dogs it would be unacceptable but rabbits suffer prejudice.

Then the 'Dave' channel put a similar cartoon on the TV a few nights ago. A complaint email was sent via their website. The email came back so it was sent to UKTV. A complaint will be made to OFCOM if necessary. It is disgraceful to do that to rabbits. It’s just not on to do that to rabbits. RABBITS RIGHTS! RIGHTS FOR RABBITS!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

It's just not fair to do that to Australian Rabbits. Australian Rabbits have rights too! Get Crocodile Dundee out to help Australian Rabbits! Australian Rabbits are bullied. Australian Rabbits do not get their Animal Rights! Australian Rabbits should have Rights in Australia just the same as every other living creature there! Australia does not respect her rabbit population. Respect Rabbits. It’s just not fair to do that to rabbits.

Rabbits in Australia

Sunday, July 01, 2007

It's just not fair to do that to rabbits or hares - use a mechanical rabbit or hare as a lure in greyhound racing. It gives the idea that it is ok for rabbits to be hunted and chased by dogs. It's not fair to old greyhounds either when they can't race any more and are not wanted. It's not fair to either animal - the representation of the rabbit, or the greyhounds. It's just not fair to either animal. It's just not right to misrepresent rabbits. Rabbits Rights, OK!

Greyhound Racing

Saturday, April 21, 2007

It's just not fair to do that to rabbits. Ometochtli was the Mayan and Aztec rabbit god and leader of the 400 drunken rabbit gods. There is a rabbit in the Mayan Sun Stone. The rabbit scribe was the Mayan Moon goddess. RESPECT rabbits, it's just not fair to disrespect rabbits.

Followers of the Astral Path
It's just not fair for Celebrities and other well known people to say its OK to wear rabbit fur or eat rabbit meats. They are not being responsible or showing any care for animals or the earth we live on. They should be ashamed of making cruel comments about rabbits. It's just not fair to do that to rabbits.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

It's just not fair to keep disrespecting rabbits. Sky Three’s Floyd along with BBC’s Planet Food, keep showing rabbits being used for food. This is disgusting. If it was dogs and cats, or even gerbils, hamsters or mice, there would be a public outcry. Stop using and abusing rabbits. Stop using rabbits in food programmes. Ban the eating of rabbits or the use of rabbits in dog or cat food. Say NO! to using rabbis as food. Protect rabbits – Rabbis’ Rights.